søndag den 7. oktober 2012

Clash of Culture Discussion Task


1. You are to work in pairs orally discussing ALL the statements here below.

2. After discussing orally, you must choose and do an in depth written argumentative essay on the two statements which you find most interesting (og nej I må ikke opstille i punktform!). You must use the linking words and phrases in the two right colums on the hand out.

3. Please upload your written essay to the blog  (as a comment) … and for Godness sake remember to correct for grammatical errors before you upload!! J I expect to find NO and absolutely NO errors in tense, spelling and congruity.

1.      It is important to be obedient and obliging and respect your parents

2.      Arranged marriages are a good thing because then you don’t have to look for a partner yourself and you don’t risk getting your heart broken

3.      It is important that we protect our traditions, values and beliefs

4.      It is a good idea for immigrants to hold on to their own language and cultural traditions once they have settled in a new country

5.      Living in the country is better than living in a big city with lots of crime

6.      There should be no borders between countries so everyone could live wherever they wanted to

7.      It is okay for men to have sex before marriage but not for women

8.      Western women often dress too provocative and challenging

9.      Everyone should have the right to own a gun so they can protect their own house

10.  Many cultures are repressive towards women


tirsdag den 4. september 2012

Comment on arranged marriages

Write a comment on arranged marriages. Make sure use appropriate argumentation and also you may want to discuss pros and cons. Your comment should be a minimum of 200 words. Make sure to check for mistakes in congruity, spelling and tense before you upload to the blog (as a comment).

mandag den 3. september 2012

Summary of the article "A Sikh Girl's Bridal Path"

In pairs write a 150-200 word summary of the article "A Sikh Girl's Bridal Path".
Remember that a summary must be objective, without analysis/comments, written in present tense.

Upload as comment.

mandag den 13. august 2012

Cultural awareness

Poetry game


-          Find a piece of art

-          Write a poem/text together with your group. It may be

a poem, a story or a rap text

(Once you have decided on a piece of art go and work

someplace else so the others do not see what you are working on)

-          Upload one text for each group to the blog. DON’T FORGET GROUP NAMES!!

-          Come back to class after the break.


- You now have the texts from the other groups on the blog - read all the texts carefully.

- Take another walk and see if you can guess which piece of art each group has written about.

- Return to class with your guesses. Here each group will perform/read their text loud to the class and we will see which group has the most correct guesses.

mandag den 7. maj 2012

Summary of "Rendezvous"

In pairs write a 150 word summary of the short story "Rendezvous" and upload it to the blog as a comment.

Check for:
content (plot) - have you included all important info?
tense errors (resume må KUN skrive i nutid og førnutid)
errors in congruity (kongruensfejl, dvs. hvis der er uoverensstemmelse mellem udsagnsled og grundled)

søndag den 6. maj 2012

Just Like That

"Rendezvous" - continuation

When the story "Rendezvous" ends the main characters Kim and Payton are about to meet at a rest stop. The story has an open ending so now you are to continue the story - what happens next? Your ending must be a minimum of 300 words.

Please read your continuation through for:

spelling mistakes
tense errors
errors in congruity

Finally upload your continuation to the blog as a comment :-)